Sunday School
Adult Bible Classes
The Adult Bible classes are made up primarily of college through senior-aged adults. These folks are the strength of our ministry. Every effort is made to make use of their life experience and longevity of service to the Lord, while at the same time realizing you're never to old to grow in Christ! Class members enjoy solid Bible teaching, testimonies, class fellowship, giving of your time, talents and treasures. The Adult Bible Classes invite you to be a part of this exciting ministry!
We Love Children
And we have developed a ministry just for them!
It’s our desire that through our Sunday School your child will find knowledge, wisdom, and understanding from the pages of God’s Word. Its our goal that they learn that the Word of God can teach them how to live - from their earliest childhood experiences. Enjoy watching them grow in the Lord! 5 classes – Nursery thru 6th grade; children’s church – geared to their understanding; class activities – a time to meet new friends; Wednesday night Master Clubs.
Nothing serves as so precious a reminder of God's blessing to us as the birth of a child. Every newborn baby should have the joy and privilege of being brought into a truly Christian home. It is the responsibility of the local church nursery and preschool ministry to provide all the help possible to parents as they seek to serve the Lord, bring their children to church, and teach their children to know God. With all the attention given to the physical facilities of the nursery and preschool, let us never forget the vital importance of the Christian Family.
Men & Ladies Prayer The men & women of Calvary Baptist Church are committed to the ministry of prayer as a means of empowering His people for service. If prayer is "the breath of dependence", and we believe it is, then we aknowledge our dependence upon Him to accomplish His work in and through us by corporate and individual times of prayer. Our men meet on Friday mornings at 7:00 a.m. followed by a time of fellowship at a local restaurant. Our ladies meet for prayer on Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m
Summer Retreats/Camps
Mark 6:31, "And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat." Men's Retreats, Ladies retreats, Teen and Jr. Camps fill our summer with opportunites to round out our Christian walk with a time away from the hustle and bustle of every day life.